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P3 Commitment
Power is related to the personal commitment and drive one has to produce, prosper, and promote growth. The thoughts, beliefs, and attitude one uses to self-actualize generate the energy source to power.
Innate Power
Power is related to a person’s natural right (and responsibility) for voice, choice and dominion. In using one’s voice, choice, and dominion, the individual understands how power is used to produce results. Through these actions, power becomes personal.
Personal Assets
Power is related to what a person can do and what he has. Divided into three categories: internal resources (skills and concepts related to reading, writing, math, science and social studies); external resources (technology, time, money and human labor); and interpersonal resources (analysis, autonomy, valuing, communication, and collaboration), power is viewed and manipulated as resources.
Global Efficacy
Power is related to a person’s worldly presence and his ability to leave a legacy. Going beyond the impact that others have had on the individual, power is in the impact that the individual has on the world around him.
Individual Responsibility
Power is related to the successful fulfillment of one’s social roles. This fulfillment generates a level of respect from others, allowing the individual to use this respect, and its treatment, as a power source.
Sense of Self
Power is related to the control that one exerts over self while minimizing the control that others have over her/him. Through five dominions (space, place, etc.), the individual does not wait for others to give him personal meaning. He assigns it to him self. As a result, the individual is liberated from the whims of others and can protect self from unhealthy relationships and unproductive situations.
Shared Accountability
Power is related to the ability to collectively produce, prosper, and promote growth. Through this shared experience, objectives are proactively established, allowing the individual to hold him self accountable to the outcomes of those objectives.

A Key Note Speaker: The Urban Learner All Grown Up
A Seminar on the At-Risk Learner and the Empowerment Framework
A Professional Development Workshop and/or Consulting Services
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