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For a limited time... Access Angela Dye, M.Ed. to provide speaking and/or consulting services for your next event or project.
With more than 20 years in urban education, Angela is old enough to know the science of teaching and learning; yet, young enough to relate to the psychosocial and cognitive needs of the urban learner. Being from the community in which she serves, her expertise extends beyond book knowledge and status quo training. She brings to the table an empowerment framework that is grounded in research, practice, and effectiveness. Students, teachers, and parents know her has driven, committed, and passionate about the work of empowering students to own their production, their prosperity, and their promotional growth.
Key Note Speaker
Need a speaker to engage and motivate your community for personal empowerment?
Angela will share her journey from being an urban learner to being a school leader and social change agent. By discussing her own experiences with empowerment, she can inspire your community to do the transformative, yet sometimes difficult, work associated with personal production, prosperity and promotional growth.
Click here to schedule a Key Note Speaker.
Empowerment Seminar
Want to learn more about the empowerment framework/school programming?
Angela can share more than her seven principles for urban empowerment; she can demonstrate how these principles can be turned into concrete and proven classroom methods and school-wide instructional programming.
Click here to schedule an Empowerment Seminar.
Empowerment Workshops and Services
Need professional development support for your teachers and school leaders?
Through custom-built training and coaching services, Angela can engage school staff in a professional development process that will immediately produce student engagement, achievement, and self-empowerment.
Click here to schedule an Empowerment Workshop.
Additional Services Provided by PBS Development, LLC
Project-Based Learning; Service Learning; Direct Instruction; Student Assessment and Student Accountability; School Management and Staff Leadership…
PBS Development, LLC, in collaboration with your students and staff, can institute ready-made programming to strengthen the teaching and learning process at your school.
Click here for additional services.

Angela Dye is a multi-licensed educator in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Georgia (teaching, administration, and curriculum & instruction). While she continues to support partnerships with traditional institutions seeking to promote reform and urban empowerment, her work with PBS Development, LLC provides the platform for accelerated innovation and empowerment. Angela is currently pursuing doctoral studies where her research centers on the social constructs that impact academic achievement. Such knowledge will strengthen the design and effectiveness of scientifically proven instruction and management in a way that truly closes “the gap.”